EB-5 Program: Stimulating the Economy through Foreign Investment

The EB-5 program, established by Congress, serves as a catalyst for economic growth, leveraging the capital and job-creation potential of foreign investors seeking to obtain permanent residency through their investments.

Designed to stimulate the economy, the EB-5 program encourages foreigners to make significant capital investments that contribute to the creation of new jobs. By facilitating the acquisition of permanent residency through investment, we assist our clients in navigating the complexities of the EB-5 program, enabling them to make substantial contributions to the U.S. economy while pursuing their immigration goals.

Direct EB-5 Projects

When it comes to Direct EB-5 projects, there are no limitations imposed by Regional Centers. Investors have the freedom to select the type and location of their business ventures. If all other legal requirements are satisfied, Direct EB-5 presents investors with a wider array of investment opportunities. The minimum investment amount for Direct EB-5 projects is $1.8 million USD.

Regional Centers

In contrast, an EB-5 regional center represents an economic entity, either public or private, within the United States that actively promotes economic growth. These regional centers receive designation from USCIS to participate in the Immigrant Investor Program. The minimum investment required for an EB-5 Regional Center project is $900,000 USD.

The Green Card Process

Below is an overview of the EB-5 petition and application process for immigrating to the United States.

  1. File Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Investor.
  2. After USCIS approves your Form I-526 petition, either:
  3. File Form I-829, Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status, within the 90-day period immediately before the second anniversary of your admission to the United States as a conditional permanent resident.

If USCIS approves this petition, you will receive a 10-year green card.

Attorney Ingrid Borges Perez speaks
English, Portuguese, and Spanish

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I believe that every immigrant
is a future American.

I hope we take this journey together and that
I can offer you a successful outcome.

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